The Terminator: Sample Termination Letter

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Express your dissatisfaction! Complain! Terminate!

Below is the termination letter I am sending my wireless phone provider. Their service sucked from Day 1 but it took me more than a year to decide to terminate their services because I was too lazy to draft a termination letter.

25 May 2009

***** CENTER
[Insert the company address here]

Re : Notice of Termination of Line

Gentlemen: [I am seething mad. I don't have time to be gender sensitive.]

I am Mrs. G, the subscriber of telephone number 02******* with ***** Wireless Account No. *********. I am terminating my account effective immediately.

The unit I was given have not worked properly from the very beginning. If you check my account usage, you will notice that I rarely made or received any calls. My number is always busy or cannot be reached even if I am not using it. It takes almost 15 seconds before my call is connected, if ever it is connected.

Last week, I sent my phone unit to your center. My representative was told that I could either pay P3,000 for the repair of the unit or pay P799 for a replacement. I called your customer service center to request for the waiver of the replacement fee but it was flatly refused.

Since I could easily get a brand new unit from **** for the same amount it would cost to get a replacement from *****tel, I decided to terminate my account with you and open another one with ****.

While I am paying my current bill (May 2009), I am terminating my account immediately because I am dissatisfied with your service. I expect not be charged henceforth.

Mrs. G


(Name and Signature)

Date: ____________________

Photo by Horst Frank

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