Shop anywhere and get these FREE!
At least 1,000: Yumburger or Sundae
At least 3,000: 2 pcs. Chicken Joy with Rice
Armed with the promo flyer, I went to Jollibee today to check if this promo is for real.
Well, I have good news and bad news.
Just present your charge slip and credit card. It's that easy.
TIP: If you need to retain a copy of your charge slip, photocopy it first before going to Jollibee. They will get the original.
Redemption period is until March 15, 2009.
BAD NEWS: Only receipts from November 15, 2008 to January 15, 2008 will be accepted
Promo period is from November 15, 2008 to January 15, 2008 only.
I was not able to save all the receipts from last year. Aaaaargh... I think I only have around 5 receipts left here. Sniff...
I have until March 15, 2009 to redeem my treats.
IMPORTANT: Only 1 free food item can be redeemed per charge slip or cash advance receipt. A cardholder is allowed up to 3 redemptions per day per store.
GOOD LUCK! Enjoy your Chicken Joy!
BPI-Jollibee Promo: Yum-Yum!
Monday, January 19, 2009
How to Get Birth and Marriage Certificates: Ms. R to Mrs. G
Friday, January 9, 2009
Do you want a copy of my marriage certificate?I've been married only two years but I've already submitted more than 15 copies of my marriage certificate to various private and government offices. These copies are all printed on security paper and issued by the National Statistics Office. If I include the ones I gave to companies and agencies that only required photocopies, the number will increase to around 30.
Some agencies and offices that required my marriage certificate:
1. Social Security System
2. PhilHealth
3. Land Transportation Office - Driver's License Renewal/Change of Name
3. Banks (6)
4. Embassies - Visa Applications (6)
5. Department of Foreign Affairs - Passport Renewal
The official transition from Ms. R to Mrs. G was and is not that easy.
You can order the documents you need from or Pilipinas Teleserv, Inc.
E-Census is managed by the National Statistics Office while Teleserv is run by a private company. From my experience, both are very reliable. I tried E-Census for my husband's birth certificate and Teleserv for my passport renewal.
I personally prefer Teleserv's services even if they are slightly more expensive than E-census. I like the fact that I can call them 24/7 to follow-up my order. They will also deliver your documents in just 4 working days.
M, one of my household crew, went to NSO this morning to get copies of my marriage (4 copies) and birth (2 copies) certificate. At P140 each, that's only P840! Compare that to the P1,980 I would have spent if I ordered them online. I was also able to get the documents on the same day.
Office of the Civil Registrar General
National Statistics Office
East Avenue, Quezon City
Dear Sir/Madame:
I am Mrs. G, the owner of the birth certificate and marriage certificate being requested by M. I am authorizing Ms. M to request and receive the said documents in my behalf.
Attached to this letter is a photocopy of a valid I.D. bearing my photograph and signature. The original of the said I.D. is with Ms. M for your verification.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. G
New Year Chores: Quarterly Mold and Moisture Check
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Damp and humid weather is conducive to mold growth. While the mold toxins may not kill you, it can cause nasty allergic reactions such as irritated eyes, nasal congestion and headaches.
With molds, prevention is the key. You can never let your guard down. Constant vigilance is required. Check and clean your cabinets at least once every quarter.
Clockwise: (1) Dehumidifier from Japan Home; (2) Used Dehumidifier; (3) Neopara (moth balls); (4) Sachets from Gourdo's
Check all your rooms, cabinets and drawers for mold and moisture patches. Use a flashlight to inspect the dark corners. Don't forget to check the cabinet ceiling.
Examine your leather items carefully. Molds love real leather so you better check your designer bags, shoes and belts. I've noticed that if there's leather in the cabinet, they will ignore the pleather.
SPRAY AND WIPE. The best way to kill molds is by spraying them with a bleach solution. Clean the area with an all-purpose cleaner then spray with bleach. DO NOT use bleach on leather.
For items made of leather, click here for instructions -- How to Clean Mold from Leather.
DRY. Make sure the area is dry before returning the clothes inside the cabinet. I used an industrial fan to dry the cabinets.
Prevent further build up by putting moisture absorbers and silica gels in the area. I also put Neoprana (it smells like moth balls) in small sachets and hang them inside the cabinet.
More Resources: